Seven Doors

Seven Doors | Main Trailer | Netflix
Seven Doors tells the story of Adedunjoye, a simple man who loves his wife and children. He was asked to become the King of Ilara Kingdom as the Kingship has gotten to his family lineage. Uninterested in the offer, he vehemently refused. After several persuasions, he obliged and became the King. His ascension to the Kingship was followed by a lot of opposition who sought to make his tenure miserable. Soon after he becomes King, Ilara kingdom begins to experience turmoil and trouble, and after intervention from the chief priest, he was told to open seven doors, representing seven wives to appease for the wrongs of his forefathers. The King refuses and Ilara kingdom and the King's house continue to be plagued with lot of misfortune including the death of the King's daughter

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